Prem Krishnamurthy – Structures

Prem Krishnamurthy – Structures (Describing a System in Real Time), 2020
Format: 12,5 × 18 cm
Pagecount: 24
Edition: 150
Design: Book Book
Print: Office Offset

Prem Krishnamurthy (b. 1977) is a designer, curator, writer, and teacher based in Berlin and New York. Structures (Describing a System in Real Time) represents an experimental, ever-changing publishing format that outlines Krishnamurthy’s (in)complete world view using the Tags function of the Mac productivity app Things.

Next level split fountain printing using bespoke ink tray divider.


Prem wanted a subtle gradient between red and orange tones, so this was the perfect occasion to use the new ink tray dividers. Although it is already possible with the Office Offset machine to achieve a proper split fountain print, those dividers stop the various inks even better from mixing with each other. 

The first paper template and the final shape after a few prototypes.

The paper template was used to determine the dimensions as accurately as possible. After a few tests, the final shape of the dividers was fixed and production could begin. The perfect tool for such low quantity production was in this case a laser cutter. Will Taylar from lasercut-berlin was up for the task and helped with his machines.

Laser cut Delrin block.

Such a great moment when people are fascinated about the Office Offset machine. 

Printers debris.

Matching hat and shirt!

There is nothing like manual labour.

Happy Prem!